Mutton Biryani

No Diwali is complete in India without a steaming a plate of mutton biryani. This flavorful dish is made by cooking marinated mutton pieces with fragrant rice, creating a mouthwatering and satisfying meal.

Mutton Biryani

In the world of Indian cuisine, mutton biryani holds a special place. This flavorful and aromatic dish is a classic favorite that never fails to impress. The combination of tender mutton, fragrant rice, and a blend of spices creates a mouthwatering experience that is truly unique. Today, we will delve into the art of preparing this iconic dish and discover the secrets to making the perfect mutton biryani. So, let's embark on this culinary journey and unlock the tantalizing flavors of this traditional Indian delicacy.

What Is Mutton Biryani?

  • Mutton biryani is a traditional Indian dish that combines succulent mutton (or lamb) with aromatic Indian spices and unique seasonings. This flavorful dish is made by cooking marinated mutton pieces with fragrant rice, creating a mouthwatering and satisfying meal.
  • The combination of tender mutton, fragrant rice, and a blend of herbs and spices such as ginger, garlic, turmeric, and garam masala, makes mutton biryani a popular choice for special occasions and gatherings. The rich and robust flavors of this dish are a testament to the vibrant and diverse cuisine of India.

Why You'll Love Mutton Biryani?

  • Delicious Texture: Mutton biryani is known for its tender and flavorful mutton pieces combined with perfectly cooked rice, creating a delicious and satisfying texture. The spices and herbs infuse the dish with a rich and aromatic flavor, making it a favorite among food enthusiasts.
  • Rich in Protein: Mutton is a great source of protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. When combined with the carbohydrates from the rice, mutton biryani makes for a wholesome and fulfilling meal.
  • Packed with Flavor: The blend of spices and herbs used in mutton biryani not only adds depth of flavor but also offers potential health benefits. Ingredients like ginger, garlic, and turmeric are known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Nutritious Additions: The addition of mint leaves, coriander leaves, and tomatoes not only enhances the taste but also provides essential vitamins and minerals, making mutton biryani a nutritious meal choice.
  • Satisfying and Filling: Mutton biryani is a hearty dish that is sure to satisfy your hunger and keep you feeling full for longer periods. The combination of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats makes it a well-rounded meal option.
  • Perfect for Special Occasions: Whether it's a family gathering or a festive celebration, mutton biryani is a traditional dish that brings people together. Its rich and aromatic flavors make it a popular choice for special occasions.

Ingredients for Mutton Biryani

  • Jeeraga Samba Rice or Basmati Rice: The type of rice used in the biryani plays a crucial role in determining the texture and flavor of the dish. The long-grain basmati rice adds a fragrant and aromatic touch to the biryani, while jeeraga samba rice gives a unique texture and taste.
  • Mutton or Lamb (with Bones): The main protein in the dish, mutton or lamb, adds a rich and hearty flavor to the biryani. The bones add depth of flavor to the dish and make the biryani more flavorful.
  • Ginger and Garlic Paste: The combination of these two ingredients adds a strong and aromatic flavor to the biryani, enhancing the overall taste of the dish.
  • Red Chili Powder, Garam Masala Powder, Salt: These spices are crucial in adding the perfect amount of heat and flavor to the biryani. The balance of these spices is essential to achieve the perfect level of spiciness and flavor.
  • Yogurt or Curd: Yogurt helps to tenderize the mutton and adds a creamy and tangy flavor to the biryani, balancing out the heat from the spices.
  • Mint and Coriander Leaves: These herbs add a refreshing and aromatic flavor to the biryani, enhancing the overall taste and aroma of the dish.

How To Make Mutton Biryani?

If you're looking to make a delicious and flavorful Mutton Biryani, follow these simple steps to create a mouthwatering dish. The key to a flavorful experience lies in the process of cooking the mutton and the rice to perfection.

  • Start by soaking the rice and cooking the mutton with ginger, garlic, and spices. The mutton stock obtained from this process adds richness to the biryani. Then, sauté onions, ginger, garlic, and spices before adding tomatoes, yogurt, and herbs to create a flavorful gravy.
  • The final step involves layering the mutton gravy with the cooked rice in an electric cooker, allowing the flavors to meld together. The biryani is then cooked until the rice is tender and the flavors have fully developed.

By following these steps and paying attention to each detail, you can ensure that your Mutton Biryani turns out flavorful and aromatic, a true delight for the taste buds.

Serving Suggestions

  • Complementary Sides: Mutton biryani pairs perfectly with raita, a cooling yogurt-based side dish that helps balance the spiciness of the biryani.
  • Salad: Serve a fresh cucumber and onion salad on the side to add a refreshing crunch to the meal.
  • Pickles: A side of tangy and spicy pickles can be a great accompaniment to the rich flavors of the mutton biryani.
  • Naan or Roti: For a complete meal, consider serving mutton biryani with soft and fluffy naan or roti.
  • Boiled Egg: A boiled egg can be a simple yet satisfying addition to the mutton biryani, adding an extra layer of flavor and texture.
  • Sweet Dessert: Finish off the meal with a sweet dessert like kheer or gulab jamun for a delightful ending to your biryani feast.

Tips for Making Mutton Biryani

Preparation Duration:

  • It's important to plan ahead for the mutton biryani as it requires some time for soaking the rice and cooking the mutton. Soak the rice for at least 30 minutes and allow the mutton to cook for 10 minutes after the first whistle in a pressure cooker.

Cooking Techniques:

  • Use the electric cooker to bring the mutton stock and soaked rice to a boil, and then allow it to cook until the cooker switches to 'keep warm'. This ensures that the rice and mutton are cooked perfectly and the flavors are well combined.

Importance of Garnishing:

  • Garnishing the mutton biryani with the reserved fried onions not only adds a delicious crunch but also enhances the presentation of the dish. It adds a final touch to the biryani, making it look as good as it tastes.

Variations for Mutton Biryani

  • Vegetarian Option: For a vegetarian twist, replace the mutton with mixed vegetables like carrots, peas, and potatoes. You can also add paneer or tofu for a protein boost.
  • Seafood Twist: Instead of mutton, use prawns or fish to create a delicious seafood biryani. Adjust the cooking time accordingly based on the seafood you choose.
  • Nutty Flavors: Add a handful of cashews and almonds to the biryani for a rich and nutty flavor. Toast them lightly before adding to the dish for an extra crunch.
  • Spicy Kick: If you like your biryani extra spicy, increase the amount of red chili powder or add some chopped green chilies to the gravy for a fiery kick.
  • Herb Infusion: Experiment with different herbs like rosemary, thyme, or basil for a unique flavor profile. Mix and match to find your favorite combination.
  • Layered Biryani: Instead of mixing the mutton gravy with the rice, create layers of rice and mutton gravy in a deep pan and cook on low heat for a traditional layered biryani experience.

Get creative with these variations and make the mutton biryani your own!

How to Store Mutton Biryani

  • Proper refrigeration: Store any leftover mutton biryani in an airtight container and refrigerate it within 2 hours of cooking to maintain its freshness.
  • Use the right containers: Choose a container that is just the right size for the mutton biryani to minimize air exposure, which can cause it to spoil faster.
  • Separate the rice and mutton: If you're storing a large batch of mutton biryani, consider storing the rice and mutton separately to maintain the texture and flavor of each component.
  • Reheat with care: When reheating mutton biryani, make sure to do so thoroughly to kill any bacteria that may have developed during storage. Avoid reheating multiple times to maintain its quality.
  • Utilize the freezer: If you have a large batch of mutton biryani and won't be able to consume it within a few days, consider freezing individual portions in airtight containers for longer storage.
  • Label and date: Properly label and date your stored mutton biryani to keep track of its freshness and ensure you consume it within a safe time frame.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use chicken instead of mutton for this biryani recipe?

  • Yes, you can definitely substitute chicken for mutton in this biryani recipe. Just adjust the cooking time accordingly as chicken cooks faster than mutton.

How can I make this biryani less spicy?

  • If you prefer a less spicy biryani, you can reduce the amount of red chili powder and garam masala powder used in the recipe. You can also add a little more yogurt or curd to balance out the spice.

Can I make this biryani without a pressure cooker or electric cooker?

  • Yes, you can prepare this biryani without a pressure cooker or electric cooker. Simply use a regular pot to cook the mutton and rice and follow the same steps for layering and cooking.

Can I make this biryani in advance?

  • Yes, you can make this biryani in advance and reheat it before serving. Just ensure that it is stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator and then gently reheat it in a microwave or on the stovetop.

How do I know when the mutton is fully cooked?

  • The mutton is fully cooked when it becomes tender and easily falls off the bones. You can also use a meat thermometer to ensure it reaches the correct internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) for lamb or 160°F (71°C) for mutton.

Can I add additional vegetables to this biryani?

  • Absolutely! You can add vegetables like carrots, peas, or potatoes to the biryani for added flavor and nutrition. Simply sauté the vegetables along with the mutton and adjust the cooking time as needed.

Recipe Card

Mutton Biryani 2016-10-17 05:32:22

Mutton Biryani

Serves 3    

Prep Time   00:10        

Cook Time   01:00        

Total Time   01:10                      


  • jeeraga sala rice or basmati rice -2 cups          

For cooking mutton

  • mutton or lamb (with bones) -500g
  • ginger and garlic paste -1 tsp
  • turmeric powder -1/2 tsp
  • salt -1/2 tsp
  • water -2 cups          

For Gravy

  • ginger and garlic paste -1&1/2 tbsp
  • onion -150g, sliced
  • tomatoes -150g, chopped
  • red chili powder -2 tsp
  • garam masala powder - 1 tsp
  • salt -1 tsp
  • yogurt or curd -3 tbsp
  • lemon juice 1 tsp
  • chopped mint leaves -1/2 cup
  • chopped coriander leaves -1/2 cup          

To saute

  • oil -4 tbsp
  • fennel seeds -1 tsp
  • cloves -5
  • one inch cinnamon sticks -2
  • star anise -1
  • bay leaves -1
  • cardamom pods -3          


  • Wash and then soak the rice in 2 cups of water and keep it in the vessel of the electric cooker for 30 mins.          

How to cook the mutton

  • Meanwhile, in a pressure cooker, add cleaned mutton pieces, ginger garlic paste, turmeric powder, salt and water. Mix well, close the lid and cook for 10 mins after the first whistle comes or until it is fully cooked.
  • Let it cool down naturally. I got 1&3/4 cup of mutton stock from this. Reserve this mutton stock for further use.
  • Then add this mutton stock to the soaked rice and bring it to boil in an electric cooker.          

How to cook Mutton Biryani

  • Meanwhile, heat a pan with oil over medium heat. When oil heats, add the ingredients given under for saute and fry until spluttering.
  • Then add onions, fry till they become golden brown. Take 2 tbsp of fried onions and keep it aside for further use.
  • Then add ginger garlic paste and saute well till the raw smell leaves.
  • Also add red chili powder, salt, and garam masala powder and give a quick stir until its raw smell leaves.
  • Then add tomatoes and cook till it becomes mushy.
  • Also add 3 tbsp of yogurt or curd and stir well.
  • Then add minced coriander and mint leaves and stir well.
  • Now add the cooked mutton pieces and stir well till the gravy becomes thick.
  • When the rice starts to boil, add this mutton gravy and mix well until combined.
  • Then squeeze one tsp of lemon juice and stir well.
  • At this point check the salt and spice.
  • Close the lid and cook till the electric cooker switches to ' keep warm'. It takes a maximum of 10 to 15 mins. Every 5 mins open the lid and mix the rice gently.
  • When it changes to the 'Keep Warm' switch off the electric cooker and remove the vessel from the base and cover it with aluminum foil and close the lid and keep it aside for 10 more mins.
  • Finally, garnish the mutton biryani with the reserved fried onions.       

By Santhi Therese    The Indian Claypot

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