The recipes in theindianclaypot.com are tried, experimented and taste-tested in our kitchen for providing the perfect recipes for everyone who seeks to find authentic Indian food recipes. Each and
The recipes in theindianclaypot.com are tried, experimented and taste-tested in our kitchen for providing the perfect recipes for everyone who seeks to find authentic Indian food recipes. Each and every recipe that has been posted was carefully reviewed. Due to various reasons like quality of products, variations in ingredients, individuals cooking ability etc., you may not always achieve the results desired or seen on our blog. Please keep in mind to take the information and the recipes that we provide as a reference and make your own judgments.
The views and ideas published here solely represent the Author’s opinion. Please use them as a reference and make your own decision. The site or the author claim no responsibility for your decisions.
The text and images in theindianclaypot.com belong to the author. Permission needs to be taken from the author before any content is reproduced in any media including print and web.
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